Licenses and Permits

Pet Licenses and Regulations:
No more than three (3) dogs/cats are permitted per single-family residence, and no more than one (1) per unit in multi-family buildings. Animals shall not run free and are prohibited in Village parks. Dog pens are not allowed within 8 feet of a side lot line or within 25 feet of a neighboring house. Owners shall keep exterior areas free from animal feces and clean up after pets while walking them. Owners are required to get a license for dogs and cats annually.

Construction Permits:
A Village permit is required prior to starting work for most construction, remodeling, and rehabilitation projects such as new dwellings, garages, additions, remodeling (except for painting), electrical, plumbing, heating, and cooling installations, re-roofing, fences, and swimming pools. Major construction projects also require a set of plans prepared, signed, and sealed by a licensed architect or engineer.

When planning your project, please contact the Building and Code Department for a permit and plan requirements.

Community Event Signs:
For use of the Village of Lyons recreation department lighted sign, the request form may be retrieved from the Village Hall. The lighted sign, located at the Fire Department, is available to resident non-profit groups. For more information please contact the Village Hall at (708) 780-5200.

For use of an advertisement on the Lyons TeleVision Channel 6, the request form may be retrieved from the Village Hall. Requests must: be of interest for the residents of Lyons, contain a short descriptive message in order to be broadcast, and be submitted at least one week prior to the event date. Messages may not pertain to political candidates/events or events promoting gambling, alcohol, or other inappropriate content.

Bicycle Registration:
The registration of bicycles is optional to all Village residents. By voluntarily registering your bicycle, it becomes easier to relocate in cases of theft. Contact the Police Department at (708) 447-1225 for further information.

Alarm Permits:
Fire/burglary alarm permits can be purchased at a yearly rate of $15.00 per building from the Police Department.

Note: Any resident or business who has an alarm can be penalized after the third time the alarm has been falsely sounded. The false alarm fees are as follows:

4-6 False Alarms: Fire related – $150.00, Police related – $25.00
7-9 False Alarms: Fire related – $150.00, Police related – $50.00
10+ False Alarms: Fire related – $200.00, Police related – $100.00


Village Hall Closed

January 31, 2025

Winter Workout Classes

January 7, 2025

Lyons 103 Winter Camp

December 3, 2024

Upcoming Events

  1. Presidents’ Day

    February 17
  2. Village Hall Closed

    February 17
  3. Senior Workout Class

    February 18 @ 12:00 pm

Looking for More Information?