Utility Billing Operations

About Your Water Bill
Water and sewer bills are based on total consumption. However, there is a minimum bill charge of four thousand gallons – regardless of usage.

The rate for residential properties is $11.00 per thousand gallons, making the minimum bill for water and sewer $44.00 for a bi-monthly (2 months) billing.

The average water usage is two thousand gallons per person, per month.

Remember, your current bill accounts for the previous two months of service.

If it seems that your bill is too high, the water department can come to your home, free of charge, to check for leaks and make sure that the water meter is functioning properly. (Please note: This service is for single-family homes only. Commercial properties are not included.)

Pay Water Bill

When selling a property in Lyons, you will need to request a “Final Water Bill”. This request can only be made after ALL inspections have been completed and approved by the Building Department. Please schedule the final water reading date as close to the closing date as possible. You will need to meet the water department at the property and pay the final bill the same day the final reading is performed. At that time you will get your Certificate of Sale Compliance Report.

Water Billing Potential Issues
Roughly 95% of high water bill problems are caused by a leaking toilet flapper valve (the black orb in your toilet tank). Over time this valve will distort and cause water to run, and often, it is unheard or unnoticed until the water bill is received by the customer.

Other factors to look for before your water bill is received:

Listen to the toilet tank by placing your ear near the toilet to check if there is any water running.

Check the bronze colored water meter for any unusual movement of the dials that measure water usage.

To avoid periodic leak situations, manually write down the meter read on a daily basis (once every 24 hours) for a period of 7 days to ensure a consistent recording of your water usage.

Water Usage
A family of four uses about 320 gallons of water a day or 116,800 gallons a year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Approximate amounts of water required for typical household activities:

Laundry 20-45G/load
Shower 20-30G/shower
Tub Bath 30-40G/bath
Dishwasher 15-30G/load
Toilet 3-7G/flush
Drinking Water 1-2quarts/day/person
Garbage disposal 5G/minute use
Car Washing 5G/minute/use

Tips To Save Water:

Use a low-flow showerhead.
Take showers instead of baths. A ten minute shower with a low-flow showerhead uses half the water of a regular bath.
Install aerators on faucets.
Install a low-flow toilet. If you have a standard toilet, put a toilet dam in the tank. Do not use a brick which will disintegrate and clog your pipes.
Fix all leaks, inside and out. Test for a leaking toilet by adding food coloring to the tank (not the bowl). Without flushing, note if any color appears in the bowl after 30 minutes.
Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily. In other words, don’t use it for garbage. Dispose of tissues, insects, and other similar waste in the trash rather than the toilet.
Install landscape irrigation and replace lawns with drought-tolerant plants.
Don’t let the water run when washing, brushing, and shaving. Turn it on and off as needed.
Wash your laundry and dishes when you have a full load.


Village Hall Closed

January 31, 2025

Winter Workout Classes

January 7, 2025

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December 3, 2024

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    February 17
  2. Village Hall Closed

    February 17
  3. Senior Workout Class

    February 18 @ 12:00 pm

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